Imagine circumstance A. A can be any circumstance, and we admit that A follows certain laws, which follow knowned physical ones. A can a be tri-dimensional environment with normal time and normal effects. It is possible, by determining the value of ENSEMBLE A and by labeling all the possible elements of A, to then break it down and establish the relations from one to another. It is also possible to create an appropriate model to conduct a census of all the possible components that A may theoretically have, and is always arbitrary. We also admit that A is logic, in the cognitive sense of the word.
For instance, imagine a bullet traveling in the air. By determining what exactly is the resuling effect, it is possible to determine the effect of air on the bullet by adding all the components except Aair and isolating Aair from ENSEMBLE A.
Note that A can be alternatively be illogical and unreal, to the extent of being impossible, as long as no value in parts or in sum of A is equal or equivalent to infinity.