Saturday, January 28, 2006

Reclusive Anxiety

A few words, because there are always too many to be kept boiling in our heads.

Having the impression that life's best moments are passing by unknown is increasingly traumatic for a deranged and unstable sciences student.

The experience of watching a woman undressing is not in any way as exciting as seeing two women fighting in a pit of mud.

My Crash Colours series is over, to my greatest displeasure.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Leading Vendor in Awesome

It just came to my attention that no child, or in any case 'me at that age', could ever have thought up the rhyme "X and X, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G." Which leaves adults and teenagers, who both seem strangely off in this context.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Orchid Sangria, Part Two

It's like life has lost all it's depth: there is no plot anymore, and the story keeps going, pushed by something undefinable yet tireless. I am responsible for my current position, of that I'm sure, but I don't know why, or when, or where it supervised my construction of change. Candid, I presume, is the mixed feelings of confusion and a shade of other emotions. I am the dictator of a large country, limited by the edges of my consciousness. Time isn't a river, it's more like green jello.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Epiphany: Conserving Social Estime

I would be much more respected if everytime I screwed up or made a mistake, instead of claiming ingnorance or inability I would assume responsability and conserve my integrity as an intelligent, able human being.

Same goes for the image you project: the balance between being witty in conversations, being interesting, and eventually being brutally honest about your feelings is unattainable. I usually end up making myself look like someone else, going into a conversation which I have no interest in or just being plainly oblivious to body language, unerringly causing a faux pas on my behalf.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Under a Bridge in Provence

Ressources become so much more valuable when they become rare, and it is during those times that we find ingenious possibilities for their use and preservation. I think the energy crisis that North America is facing will be, ironically, the catalyst for the changes we're looking for.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Orchid Sangria

Everybody likes techno music, find out what subtype.