Friday, December 07, 2007

Predictability Of A Neuropathway: New Technology?

A few lines concerning an idea I had today. Bear in mind that this, in retrospect, is a ridiculous idea, but in case it's not so ridiculous I'd like to share it. Also, I'd like to mention that I have practically no education in neurosciences or neurobiology, and so there could be plenty of falsehoods, and of that I have no doubt.

Consider neuropathways associated to a given function. Said function is triggered by a well-documented process involving ionic discharge or inhibition of discharge. What if these neuropathways, which are presumably static (do not change greatly in a lifespan), become mapped out? Could we trigger intentionally a function by stimulating the neuropathway?

If indeed such a thing is possible, then using these mapped pathways (which, presumably --yet again--, are individually unique to each individual), an organized 'package' of data could be associated to the neuropathway. For example, if the aforementionned discharge is responsible for the word "potatoe", then that pathway, which has been mapped and recorded in such a way as to enable an outside stimulation, can be connected to a specific set of, say, technological data. Then, if having the ability to stimulate or inhibit the 'potatoe' neuropathway, it would be equally possible to stimulate other pathways with other labels. Compounded together with a more complex set of functions, thought patterns could then be engineered both by the poor individual having his brain programmed (information from the individual to the data receiving element) or to said individual.

Now, having established that any thought can be 'translated' to physical data, then an exchange between external data (from the brain's perspective) and internal data can be obtained. Knowledge could then be transmitted from an external data set and translated to the brain through either an already existing neuropathway, maybe even extending it further by incouraging more connections through other synapses, then knowledge can be bred artificially.
It would be possible to mindsearch elements, via the external data set, and acquire them from simple mental queries (queries themselves being neuropathway stimulations). A Google-mind, of sorts.

Limits and Assumptions
Now I understand a lot of what I just wrote is horribly untrue or inaccurate. In fact, most of it is probably violating current neuroscience research. One of the many erroneous assumptions is that information can be given simply by enabling specific neuropathways in the receinving individual's web of pathways. That, with the very little knowledge I possess concerning neurobiology, is a stretch.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Big Boys Don't Cry

When I arrived in Israel, I found the country overpopulated, dry, devoid of superficial beauty. That perception was maintained until only a few weeks ago, when a deeper understanding of the beauty surrounding me was established. Now, I cannot express the feelings I feel about what surrounds me, like beautiful, alien music. And no, my eyes were not filled with tears when I wrote that. There is, as you suspected, a greater level of understanding to be obtained here.

I believe that I am walking towards a corner of a chapter of my life, and soon will come the time to begin a new one. I am both terrified and excited at the prospect of moving to Bahji. Those who have been there might understand why I am anxious.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Finding Confirmation in Bladerunner

I was wondering if 'polarizing' was a proper word to use when describing a process through which elements of a group become divided, i.e. people. When I was perusing the Wikipedia entry on Bladerunner, lo and behold, there it was.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Lime Green Sock

Being that which I would love to wear on my hands at this moment.

Now that I've found a way to properly reintroduce myself to my blog, I will resume my incoherent slander.

And so the past few months have been, in terms of events and happenings of which can be shared with enthusiasm, quite reduced. I have grown hair on my head. Yes. There has been some of that. I also gained a pound or two. To be expected, I suppose. Ah, and also my brother's wedding is confirmed. I will be the last free child of the Power-Lapointe family. We had a pretty good run, I dare say.

Weathertalk being quite borish, I will show you the weather, through the magic of digital (if ancient) photography. Please follow this link for mild entertainment.