Friday, September 08, 2006

To Say The Least

After writing to my friends and family I have nothing else to say. I think I remember why I had a blog, but now I find it easier to just write directly. My blog is more like a small wastebasket that I keep at hand for weird things I have around. I rarely use it, and when I do I always remember about the fact that I don't use it much, and I should probably put more time into writing. Well I say no. I will let my dubious writing skills rot in my brain, because in any case there are too many damn writers, anyways. Gosh, it would take so long to read all the books every written too. And a lot of those people don't have anything to say. Like me. Like what I'm writing riiiiight now. Nothing. Ab-so-lute-ly NOTHING. Ridiculous waste of bandwidth. But I love it.

Should be going to Tel-Aviv again next week. I also hope to go to Tiberius soon, but God knows when.

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