Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Back Home

Back home, where the early sun shines through soft mist, where the sea smiles with wind and sand, where rain gently laps over emerald leaves, where small animals whisper hidden words to each other, where the waiting dog pensively smells the air, colors, smells and sounds are reborn. What was once color becomes evermore colorful, mocking it's predecessor, and every sense tingles with newfound love. The cat, slit for eyes, purrs on the chair, while birds call out outside for one another. Mice slip by hawks, and fate is suspended. The unescapable sleeps while life takes a leap; the silky valleys, aglow in morning sunrise, awake gently. Men and Women lie in bed, the soft steel-gray moment is stolen away into the innermost fold of Humanity's soul. For a moment, life is a perfect harmony of senses but not even Jealousy, the worst counsel and the most seductive temptress , can disrupt it.

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