Sunday, September 05, 2004

It's acceptable to advert your eyes

When we walk in Quebec, or anywhere in general, we get the feeling that we're being watched sometimes, right? It's OK though, because I watch back. I have my fair share of akward "look up oh he/she saw me" furtive glances for all of us. Truly, I look at people, and I invent possible stories about their life. Because really, who else is going to do it? Their life probably is stagnant as a forgotten swamp in southern Labrador. Their stories might incorporate Alf as a Viet-Nam veteran recounting stories over a tall glass of lemonade, while petting a small persian rug (because he's afraid of cats, right?) or Conan the Barbarian, played by an ackward Woody Allen in his sporty days of youth. Really, I take pleasure in making up the most random story, and here is the pleasurable part (for those who are sane and aren't following me): try to incorporate all the elements into a logical story with most of the element having a logical place and order. Not too easy, but it's feasible.

It all started when I heard of a game that a friend of mine, a francais de France recounted. They would play a game in which they would write a list of random words on a sheet of lined paper. Why lined paper you ask? It adds a few words in my story. That's all. Tamom'shod. The person who said the most words in form of a question to the teacher would win. Win what? I'm not too sure, but it is to no avail. For the sheer pleasure involved in asking a question about the role of the salamander during the Second World War as a common fire-breathing apparatus that was grafted on the right shoulder of foot-soldiers was enough to set me on the path to create this sick, twisted and to some, confusing game.

Well, until I get a better lie to say, or a better say to lie about, lache pas la patate sagouine!

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