Sunday, October 31, 2004

Routine rebirth

Weeks fly by and I barely notice. Every week has its own set of challenges, but the challenges get harder to deal with. Five days of theory; five days of 18 hour days spent learning what I can. Then the week-ends. Forty-eight hours of free-for-all homework. I did a quick calculation: almost 110 hours a week. I guess natural sciences are is pretty tough. But so far I haven't collapsed.

A sign that I should slow down: I offered a girl to come take a walk during Halllowe'en after movie and dinner, but I forgot to give her my phone number. Great. Well, I guess it is good after all: 1. I barely know her and 2. If she asks me why I haven't given her my phone number it means she's at the very least a bit interested.

I've got a pile of theory to memorize and work on.

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