Monday, September 27, 2004

Look! there it is!!

I finally finished a huge load of homework...whew glad that's over. Ahh!! Calculus!! Integrals, away!!! Look! there it is! The fabled lost limit of the undefined resultant!

It's already mid-session!! I can't believe it. Can you believe it? But seriously, this is certainly a faster pace than High School. But so far, it's feasible. My average isn't all great, yet, but it's getting there. My tutor came over to help me out.

I still can't get over the beauty of the burnishing trees...they have a mesmerizing quality. When I leave the CEGEP in the early evening, and the trees are aligned on both sides of the trees and they just scream with color. My friends don't seem to be as thrown away as I am, but hey, I've been known to scare some people.

I'd like to mention to the few friends that visit my blog this other blog I found. Very, very interesting!

1 comment:

Penglipur Lara said...

Hi Pat,

I'm flattered that you think my blog is interesting and that you're recommending it to your friends and other bloggers. You are so sweet :)

Cheers! Nel